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Are you experiencing new or different health or emotional challenges?

Do you ever feel down once you get home or are there some rooms that make you feel nervous or on edge?

Do you or your children have sleep problems or experience strange visitations?













 ...If so, there are many benefits to be gained from getting your house spiritually cleansed and energetically cleared!


Home & Business Clearings
Home & Business Clearings of these types of energy

Home & Business Clearings

You were drawn to your home because it felt right for you and your own family's needs.  After a period of time, that environment may change and start impacting on the emotional or physical well-being of you and your family. That is the situation that we as practitioners hear all the time... people's personality changing, emotional outbursts, depressions, mood swings, financial difficulties, children not sleeping, health issues plus weird and unexplained happenings in the home. 













It is natural to want to spring-clean your new home but why neglect to carry out the most essential clearing and cleansing... that is of the energy structure of the home, to get rid of any negative energy (or vibes) and agendas of the previous occupants! 

The reason why it is essential is because every person gives off a different energy vibe of their personality type and situations that they experience which is projected into the energy of the home. Essentially everything we say, think and feel and the impact of every action vibrates out from us into the space around us and get impregnated into the energy (of the walls) of the house and radiate back to you what they have received. Happy situations, thoughts, feels and emotions uplift the energy of your home and radiate positive, vibrant energy. On the other hand, negative based emotions like anger, frustration depression, poverty, worry and the like not only can lower your vibrations but have a damaging effect on your physical and emotional health by draining you of essential life force energy.  


All home (or work) environments would benefit enormously from receiving a regular energetic house clearing or house cleansing or from regular use of an energetic room spray (like the Elixir of Light Space Cleansing Spray). 

to your home because it felt right for you and your own family's needs.  After a period of time, that environment may change and start impacting on the emotional or physical well-being of you and your family. That is the situation that we as practitioners hear all the time... people's personality changing, emotional outbursts, depressions, mood swings, financial difficulties, children not sleeping, health issues plus weird and unexplained happenings in the home. 















Home & Business Clearings
Home & Business Clearing Tools
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